Slovenske Konjice

This article on Rogla hotel web pages presents you the city Slovenske Konjice.

Slovenske Konjice is very tidy Slovenian city with around 5000 inhabitants, and the whole municipality has around 14000 inhabitants. Several smaller settlements emerged by Slovenske Konjice, under the slopes of the beautiful Pohorje.

Rogla hotel presents Slovenske Konjice

You will pass the town Zreče, if you go to a famous sports and recreational ski center Rogla. On the web pages of Rogla Hotel you can also read a description of Zreče and other interesting places in the neighborhood.


Slovenske Konjice is a smaller city and a municipality, which extends over about 100 km2­­ of area. The city is located in the eastern part of the country, between cities Celje and Slovenska Bistrica. It lies in the upper part of the Dravinjska valley and is an economical and cultural center of the region.The city enables you to take a peaceful walk around the old part of the city. It is also recommended to visit Stari grad, where the ruins of a castle, with recently repaired tower and defense wall, from 13th century are. From here, you have a great view on the whole city. A Konjice wine road, part of Podpohorje wine-touristic road, which leads you through wine-growing region, is in the immediate vicinity. You can enjoy rich cultural heritage, local cuisine and beautiful nature in every month of the year. You can also taste some wines in one of the wine cellars and convince yourself that wines in this area are really good. Also the first Slovenian knights wine was produced here.

Slovenske Konjice was formed on the southern side of a Pohorje mountain range. The local people used to make a living with farming, and later with different crafts. Leather-working industry developed and reached its full potential in the years after the World War II, and started to fall after the independence of Slovenia, when many people took up trade, enterprise and tourism business.

The organization and tidiness of the city are extraordinary, and the city has got several awards and recognitions for being the most beautiful touristic city. In the year 1998 it has been awarded a gold medal at the European competition Entente Florale. Slovenske Konjice soon got a title “The city of flowers and wine”.

Tourists should definitely visit a middle age manor Trebnik from 13th century. It also has a gallery of herbs, a herbal garden and museum collection of carriages and tools, which were used in the past. In addition, the wine cellar and a park by it are also worth visiting.

If you visit Slovenske Konjice don’t forget to view baroque styled gothic church of St. George, which was originally built already in the 12th century. It offers nice frescoes from gothic times (15th century) and many other impressive works from different periods, mostly frescoes from baroque. In the neighborhood, there is also a museum collection of objects from the period of Austrian-Hungary, especially from the time of the World War I and from the area of Battles of the Isonzo. It is not very big museum and it is usually open only on Saturdays until afternoon.

On the web pages of Rogla hotel you can also read articles about Rogla, Zreče and other places around Pohorje.

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